Sohom Mondal

Frontend Developer
UI/UX Designer
AI enthusiast



🚀 Open-source chatroom built with Next.js & Supabase. Real-time chat, one global space to connect with everyone! 🌐💬


A Software-as-a-Service app with AI features and payments & credits system built using Next.js 14, Clerk, MongoDB, Cloudinary AI, and Stripe.


Re-usable React components & templates built using NextUI, TailwindCSS & Framer Motion.


Tired of hopping from website to website, sifting through endless clickbait, and drowning in information overload? Newsman cuts through the noise, delivering a streamlined, personalized news experience that keeps you informed without wasting your time.

Image Searcher

Search and Discover aims to streamline the image-finding process by offering a powerful and user-friendly web application powered by the Unsplash Image API

Anime Vault

This project is a practice website built with Next.js 14, showcasing endless scrolling functionality of anime covers. Designed to explore server-side rendering (SSR) and server actions in Next.js, it provides a visually appealing and engaging experience for fans of anime.


A demo nike website built with Next.js 14 & TailwindCSS

React Portfolio

A minimal React portfolio website designed to be a springboard for aspiring front-end developers to explore React concepts and build their own portfolio showcases. It provides a clean and basic structure that can be easily customized and extended to fit individual needs and styles.

Little Lemon

This is the Capstone project at the center of the Front-End Developer Capstone course of the Meta Front-End Developer Professional Certificate, which is based on a scenario involving the restaurant Little Lemon.

Tic Tac Toe

A simple game made with Javascript logics for doing time pass.

Survey Form

A simple survey form made using TailwindCSS & it's components.


A social media website where people can discuss about different topics around the world.